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永康市倬通五金制品有限公司致力于研发设计各类超市挂钩,家用挂钩,货架配件,铁线艺品等商用家用系列产品。厂家自产自销,价格低廉,工艺完美,深受零售商和代理商欢迎。目前厂房面积 6000平米,工厂秉承持续不断的创新能力,客户至上,紧跟时代步伐,推新护老,在广大客户和业内同仁的支持上,持续发展壮大,为五金铁艺行业的发光发热出一份绵薄之力。 The company focus on development of hardware, design of supermarket hook,house hook, goods-display spare parts, iron products and production of business and house usage. The company is production and sales together, with good quality and beauty, then the price is the same as value as the goods themselves. ALL sailors and representatives are like to cooperate with us. The continuous innovation, customer first, keeping pace with the times, new and old goods, and the support by the customers and industry colleagues, we sincerely are better and better to build a better hardware and metal industry business. 商铺网址:http://qiujennifer.cn.vooec.com
手机版网址:http://m.vooec.com/c_qiujennifer.html 主营业务:挂钩 经营模式:
生产型 成立年份:2019年 |
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